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Call Me Feature

Tired of having to pick up the phone and dial a number to call me?

Reading my blog and suddenly get the urge to let me know how great I am?

Looking to play with all the bells and whistles has to offer?

If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, then perhaps you would like to try out the new Call Me feature on the sidebar of this website.  It’s easy!  Click the link, enter the phone number of the phone you want to call me from and enter your name.  Click “Connect.”

The phone you indicated will ring.  Pick it up and get connected to me… INSTANTLY!

Let’s be honest, this blog has just become another toy for me.  I’m always looking for cool things to add.  This is just another toy.  Its probably just easier to pick up the phone and call… but why would you when you can do it this way?


Videos! Videos! Videos!

As it turns out since Google bought YouTube years ago I have had a YouTube account. Recently, I recorded some video of Jack on my phone and wanted to post it on the site. YouTube is the easiest way for me to do this. I have some video (I’m terrible when it comes to pictures and video) from when Jack was first born and when he was little. So, I put it up on YouTube.

I’m going to be adding some of it to the site under the video page. You will see a “Video” tab along the top left. I don’t want just anyone viewing these videos, so the videos aren’t listed on YouTube and the page is password protected. If you want the password just shoot me an e-mail and I will send it to you.

I hope you enjoy them. With any luck I will be taking more video since I can also record on my phone and post directly to YouTube! Modern technology. Now I have to figure out how to get the new Droid so I can get HD video with an HDMI output…


The Great Shaw/Cervone Disney Trip 2010

Jack had a week of firsts… first airplane ride; first trip to Florida; first boat ride; and his first trip to Disney!  The Shaw’s and Cervone’s headed down to Orlando to visit the Magic Kingdom and all the other parks.  We all had a lot of fun.

The airplane ride was decent.  It wasn’t that he didn’t like the airplane, its that he didn’t like sitting in one spot for so long.  We had movies and coloring books, but it did not matter.  But it was only a 2 hour flight, so we all survived.

Disney was amazing.  Jack loved every minute of it.  He LOVED meeting all the characters (or guys, as he calls them).  He loved the rides; even Goofy’s Barnstormer, which might have been a little too big for him, but he loved it none the less.  He even enjoyed the 3D shows.  At one point he was reaching out at the stuff.

Two things were constant throughout the trip: Jack would put his finger in either the eyes or nose of the characters and I would be soaked in sweat.  It was soooooooooooo hot.  So hot.  Hot.

All in all we had a great time.  And anyone who read my Facebook post saw the line of the vacation… After waiting 30 minutes to see Mickey and Minnie it’s finally Jack’s turn. They turn to him and open their arms in a big hug. Jack goes running towards them… then right past them to the big mouse eared pumpkin saying, “Look at this pumpkin!” The photographer said she had never seen that before.

You will see in the photos a picture of Minnie Mouse shrugging her shoulders next to said pumpkin.


Joe’s Ultimate Lido Beach Picnic 2010

Everyone looks forward to Joe’s Ultimate Lido Beach BBQ each year. This year we looked forward to it because Jack was another year older and we knew he was going to love the beach.

We were right. Jack loved digging and playing in the sand. But most of all he LOVED playing in the waves. I took some video with my phone. Next year we’ll be riding the waves!


Picasa Album Test

I’m just testing out a new plugin to post Picasa Web Albums.  Here goes nothing…


Farming at Grandpa’s

Sunday we went to Long Island to Grandpa’s Farm… okay, so its a little patch of dirt behind Grandma and Grandpa’s house with a few tomato plants… but still.  There were a lot of tomatoes for Jack to pick.  And there are few things Jack likes more than putting things in a container.  Last week we spent about a half hour emptying a bucket of blocks and then putting all the blocks back in the bucket.


Stepping Stones Children’s Museum

This past Saturday was the hottest day of the year. It was so hot we couldn’t even go to the pool. So, we figured we would escape the heat and make use of our Membership at the Stepping Stones Children’s Museum in CT. Jack really loves it there and it was air conditioned.

Jack had a great time as usual.  He loves the Construction area.  This time he spend his time shoveling the rocks into piles.  We also played in the water tables, played in the rain forest and saw a snake and a hawk.  It was a lot of fun and a great way to beat the heat.


4th of July at Sesame Place

It what I hope will become an annual tradition, the Shaw Clan took to the road this 4th of July and headed to Langhorne, PA to visit Sesame Place.   I don’t think we could have had a better time!  Jack absolutely LOVED it.  The look on his face when he saw Bert for the first time was incredible.  He was mesmerized.  Then we went to a show and he sat there with the biggest grin on his face.  Because it was 4th of July weekend, they also had fireworks at night.  We weren’t sure how that was going to go since he was going to be up late and had never seen them before.  Well, just like everything else, he was totally enthralled.  It was such a great feeling seeing him have such a great time.

… and I haven’t even started talking about the rides yet!  He loved the rides.  The water slides, the regular rides.  He even went on the giant cargo net thing (for anyone who has ever been to Sesame Place you KNOW what I’m talking about)!  It was such a great day.  We can’t wait to go back!


Our 5 Year Anniversary

5 years ago I stood, pale and sweaty, at the alter of a church in upper Westchester County.  Then, my wife-to-be walked through the doors and I suddenly felt much better.  While that day was one of the greatest in my life, what followed was also amazing.  10 days in Hawaii (4 in Kauai, 1 in Oahu and 5 in Maui).  We had such a great time on our honeymoon, we swore that we would make it back in 5 years…

And we did!  11 days in Maui.  You just can’t beat it.  We did so many great things this time around.  We really got around the island and saw a lot of what Maui had to offer.  So, before we left, we made another promise.  I look forward to going back in 5 more years!


Jack’s Second Birthday

It seems like only yesterday we were leaving the hospital and bringing home this little crying baby… and Jack.  And now, here he is, in his Terrible Twos.  We opted out of the big party this year for a series of smaller family parties.  There will be plenty of time for big ridiculous kids parties and we had the big first birthday last year.  It was nice to have some smaller more low key events.  Add this to all the other May/June events and the fact that Jen and I were leaving for Maui Memorial Day weekend, we had more than enough to do without having to plan a big party.

He had a great time this year.  He loved the cake and ice cream and cupcakes.  Things were much better than last year when he refused cake and then cried so hard he threw up.  He really is growing up to be quite the little man.  Jen and I are so lucky.

Here are some highlights…