Steve’s 5K

Back in February I decided to start running.  I found a program online that was a guide to going from a couch potato to running a 5K in 8 weeks.  So, I tried to follow it as best I could.  Eventually, I lost interest.  But when the weather got nice I took to the open road and decided to see how far I could run…

Turns out, not that far.

However, after running fairly consistently, I got myself up to 3 miles (a 5K is 3.1M).  As luck would have it, there was a 5K being run right near my house.  How great was that?  So, I signed up and ran.  I did the 5K in 38 min.  Not bad for a first timer.  I finished 74th out of about 150.  Below are some gross photos of the finish line.